Ajla Ponjevic

Welcome to my website!

Hello, I'm Ajla Ponjevic,

I'm a 15 year old girl, who likes programming. I code in my freetime (also as my job at this point) and I enjoy it quite a lot. I also coded this website you're on right now!

A picture of me

About me:

I started my apprenticeship as a software developer at the swiss bank Credit Suisse in August 2022. So coding is my job now. As I said, I enjoy it quite a lot. Aside from coding, I do a lot of other things. One of thse things is learning new stuff/skills. As an example, I watch lots of documentaries about various things. I recently wrote a book, which also took me a lot of time. You can download the book at the end of this page. On Saturdays, I usually go out with my boyfriend. As I said, I just started my apprenticeship so I also spend a lot of time with that. In summer I like to inlineskate. I'm doing that since a few years now and it has always been pretty fun.

My skills in coding:


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